Tag: water softener for bathroom

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  • Automatic Bathroom Water Softener Benefits of Soft Water helps to Prevent against dryness of skin and make it soft and smooth. Makes the hair damage free. Soft Water Keeps the original color of our clothes as fresh as ever. The use of soft water prevents scaling in our home appliances such as water heater, washing machine, dishwasher, water purifier.It has maintenance free work of a long time. Prevents Scaling of our precious tap, Shower and Plumbing line. , specially equipped LP – BFT function long life and efficient ion exchange process, High quality resin for long life and efficient ion exchange process,

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  • Automatic Water softener Filter Benefits of using Soft Water : Soft water prevents our skin from dryness and rough feeling. It helps to control the hair fall and makes the hair smooth and damage free. Using soft water helps to protect the fading of color in clothes and always maintains fresh. This soft water vanishes the scaling formation in our home appliances such as taps, kitchen sinks, floor Tiles water heater, washing machine, dishwasher, water purifier, Shower and Plumbing line so that these equipments will provide maintenance free work of a long time. Unique features : Fully automatic microprocessor – controlled operation and easy to Install. Highly Efficient ion exchange process with High quality which works for long life. Compact design, FRP vessel with Brine tank (auto regeneration)

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  • commercial water softener Fiter Presence of hard water that can build up on industrial equipments, boilers, and other heating and cooling systems. The commercial water softener removes the excess minerals and replacing them with salt. The process of industrial water softener involves exchanging source water calcium and magnesium cations for sodium cations that have been adsorbed onto resin beads filled with exchange sites. when the water flows through the softener system, sodium ions are released (exchanged)from the resin, and the hard water ions are collected on the exchange sites.

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